all postcodes in HG4 / RIPON

find any address or company within the HG4 postcode district

Postcode Area

HG / Harrogate

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HG4 3AA 9 0 54.116843 -1.52531
HG4 3AB 6 0 54.103939 -1.525886
HG4 3AD 4 0 54.10159 -1.551054
HG4 3AE 4 1 54.100494 -1.527454
HG4 3AF 3 0 54.111622 -1.530249
HG4 3AG 2 0 54.11588 -1.528326
HG4 3AH 1 0 54.147215 -1.569406
HG4 3AJ 1 0 54.137868 -1.565423
HG4 3AL 6 0 54.143896 -1.586647
HG4 3AN 8 0 54.096072 -1.591541
HG4 3AP 1 1 54.108246 -1.572028
HG4 3AQ 58 0 54.116847 -1.528768
HG4 3AR 1 0 54.105197 -1.563831
HG4 3AS 3 0 54.115511 -1.545886
HG4 3AT 24 0 54.117356 -1.528012
HG4 3AU 3 0 54.187961 -1.560861
HG4 3AW 2 0 54.097394 -1.566855
HG4 3AX 10 0 54.126767 -1.556443
HG4 3AY 38 1 54.126671 -1.557408
HG4 3AZ 2 0 54.124529 -1.560008